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Phoebe Yule
April 20, 1924 - January 10, 2015
YULE, Phoebe Fern Irene (nee Chapman) (Gerlitz)
April 20, 1924 - January 10, 2015
With great sadness the family announces the passing of Phoebe Yule in the Bethany Centre Memory Lane unit early Saturday a.m.
Phoebe was born in Oak Lake, MB on April 20, 1924. Her parents were Thomas Arthur Chapman and Nelly Chapman. Mom was 22 years old living in Toronto where she met and later married Henry Gerlitz back in Calgary at the Jehovah Lutheran Church on August 17, 1946.
Phoebe is survived by her son John George (Joanne) Gerlitz and her wonderful grandchildren, Chris John Gerlitz and Pamela Joanne Gerlitz. She was predeceased by Henry Gerlitz, Thomas Henry Gerlitz and James Alexander Yule.
She was a wonderful mother and lab tech at the Red Cross for many years. After Henry's passing in 1968 Phoebe owned and operated Alberta Venetian Blinds successfully for 20 years. Phoebe married James Alexander Yule in 1978. She later went back working at the Red Cross as a Lab Technician.
Phoebe volunteered at the Mustard Seed and continued helping out where needed. She was an active member of the Eagles Club. Phoebe's kind spirit and organized manner were her hallmarks; she was full of life and determined to keep coming back no matter what life dealt her and was very protective of family. Once she was your friend you had a friend for life. She will be truly missed.
April 20, 1924 - January 10, 2015
With great sadness the family announces the passing of Phoebe Yule in the Bethany Centre Memory Lane unit early Saturday a.m.
Phoebe was born in Oak Lake, MB on April 20, 1924. Her parents were Thomas Arthur Chapman and Nelly Chapman. Mom was 22 years old living in Toronto where she met and later married Henry Gerlitz back in Calgary at the Jehovah Lutheran Church on August 17, 1946.
Phoebe is survived by her son John George (Joanne) Gerlitz and her wonderful grandchildren, Chris John Gerlitz and Pamela Joanne Gerlitz. She was predeceased by Henry Gerlitz, Thomas Henry Gerlitz and James Alexander Yule.
She was a wonderful mother and lab tech at the Red Cross for many years. After Henry's passing in 1968 Phoebe owned and operated Alberta Venetian Blinds successfully for 20 years. Phoebe married James Alexander Yule in 1978. She later went back working at the Red Cross as a Lab Technician.
Phoebe volunteered at the Mustard Seed and continued helping out where needed. She was an active member of the Eagles Club. Phoebe's kind spirit and organized manner were her hallmarks; she was full of life and determined to keep coming back no matter what life dealt her and was very protective of family. Once she was your friend you had a friend for life. She will be truly missed.